16 months to 33 months
Your child’s first years of life are a critical time that can determine success in school, relationships and life. At Little Sprouts, our teachers introduce routines and offer positive guidance to help give our toddlers the confidence to practice new skills and embrace new experiences. Weekly, theme-based learning plans meet the diverse needs of every child through a variety of activities. This consistent-yet-changing atmosphere matches your child’s rapidly emerging interests and abilities, and offers many opportunities for early reading, math, science, construction and imaginative play learning experiences.
Curriculum Components
Language Development
Our teachers:
Respect our toddlers’ varied stages of language
Speak clearly and frequently to all the children
Use books, rhyming songs and finger plays to promote the use of speech in social settings
Expand the use of American Sign Language [ASL] as the children’s language development progresses, providing them with another way to communicate

Social/Emotional Development
Our teachers:
Guide and model positive interactions for our children
Cultivate a classroom culture of respect for children’s needs and feelings
Acknowledge and encourage empathy
Nurture independent activity and foster peer relationships; and
Support self-help skills

Physical Development
We foster the next level of physical development through:
Rhythm games and dancing, to help your toddler learn the joys of physical expression
Coloring, painting, gluing, working puzzles and building with blocks, to help your child refine fine motor skills; and
Climbing, hopping and tumbling in our secure and closely monitored indoor and outdoor play areas.

Cognitive Development
We help your toddler develop critical learning skills through:
Guessing and listening games
Cause-and-effect activities
A variety of toys your child can stack, sort, match or count
Areas for sensory experiences, artistic expression and pre-writing opportunities
Guidance and encouragement of problem-solving skills
Getting Ready for Potty Training
All children potty-train at their own pace. Teachers will support and offer praise to children regardless of where they are at in the process. Parents and teachers should work together to provide the best environment for success. Children tend to do better in a center setting because they are watching other kids use the potty as well.